
Covid-19 vaccines and patient safety

With the covid-19 vaccination programme rolling out across the care sector and beyond, many people have questions about the speed of the vaccine’s development, it’s safety and any potential side effects.

The Hampshire Care Association is keen to ensure its members, and the broader community, have access to trusted sources of information about the vaccine, and that they have their questions answered.

With this in mind, we invited Dr Manon Ragonnet to speak with us. Dr Ragonnet is a Research Fellow in Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London. She is part of the Imperial College covid-19 Response Team – they use genetics, modelling and data analysis to help understand covid-19 spread and plan responses to the pandemic. 

In this webinar, Dr Ragonnet answers the most vital questions many people are asking: How has the vaccine been produced so quickly? It is safe? Are there any side effects?

The Hampshire Care Association hopes this will assist providers in answering questions from staff and other stakeholders about this most important of public health measures.

Should you have any further questions about the vaccine, please email Andrea Pattison, one of the Hampshire Care Association Executive committee members, who is coordinating these and will try and get an answer for you on: [email protected]