Employer: Greenview Care Home
- Ian Bradford
- Contact Number: 01794 341200 or 07975510484
- Contact Email: [email protected]
Empathy & Energy & a desire to assist older people live a fulfilling time living with assistance from a team of dedicated and loyal people. A screaming cook! (lol-Joking-she is the opposite, she is brilliant, you wont go hungry!)
Greenview is a holistic care home for 7 people using knowledge built over 40 years. Check our social media. The job requires a high degree of mental agility to multitask and fulfil person centred objectives. All found no accom charges. (Yep-it means FREE!.- but you better be good standards are HIGH!).Great opportunity for someone looking to make a difference.No sponsor license. Check out the location!! OK! Its in the middle of nowhere, buses..well sometimes and trains over a mile away..
Must be liked by someone… as we have been here for 40 plus years with just 7 people to look after and you get paid! Its ok it is not in apples, though we do own a small orchard… Did I mention the gardens will be open for The National Garden Scheme next July… Maybe you like Gardens…. Well hurry up and get in touch! website
Contact Ian Bradford
Conatact Number 01794 341200 or 07975510484